Sunday, October 25, 2009

tinyOS make error

There is an error might be occurred when compiling.
/opt/msp430/msp430/include/stdlib.h:52: syntax error before "asm"
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

Here is a solution,

Modify Line 52 of /opt/msp430/msp430/include/stdlib.h:
extern void exit(int) __asm__(”__stop_progExec__”) __ATTR_CONST__;

extern void exit(int) __ATTR_CONST__;
void exit(int a) __asm__("__stop_progExec__");

Monday, August 03, 2009

YuShanNet - Base Station Installation Guide


  • Overview - Base Station Functionality

Helping forwarding the user tags' information to the server.

Using 3G communicate to the server.


  • Install Debian From USB CD-ROM

Do NOT install any addiction package (space is limited)

  • Install required package

apt-get install libdevice-serialport-perl

apt-get install expect

apt-get install wvdial

apt-get install rsync

apt-get install beep

apt-get install ntpdate

  • Change time zone

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime

  • Edit wvdial.conf

vim /etc/wvdial.conf


[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

Modem Type = USB Modem

IDSN = 0

New PPPD = yes

Phone = *99#

Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1

Username = default

Password = default

Ask Password = 0

Dial Command = ATD

Stupid Mode = yes

  •  Create udev rule for serial device

vim /etc/udev/rules.d/taroko.rules 

kerne;="ttyUSB*", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0403", SYSFS{idProduct}=="6001", SYMLINK="TAROKO"

vim /etc/udev/rules.d/battery.rules


KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", SYSFS{idVendor}=="067b", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2303", SYMLINK="BATTERY"

  •  Edit rc.local

vim /etc/rc.local



/usr/bin/wvdial &

sh /root/BaseStation/run &

sh /root/BatteryMonitor/run &

sh /root/

exit 0

  • Copy and extract Base Station file to /root

 File structure


    |-- BaseStation
    |   |--
    |   |-- run
    |   |-- send
    |   |   `-- message
    |   `-- wildernessnet.sql
    |-- BatteryMonitor
    |   |--
    |   `-- run

  •  Add crontab tasks

crontab -e


# m h  dom mon dow   command

*        *    *     *       *       sh /root/ "/sbin/ifconfig" "/root/BaseStation/send/message/" "network.log"

*/10    *    *    *       *       sh /root/ "sh /root/" "/root/BaseStation/send/message/" "check.log"

*        *    *    *       *       rsync -av --compress --remove-source-files --timeout=10 --progress /root/BaseStation/send/ YuShanNet@ > /root/rsync.log 

  •  Add ssh key to server

ssh-keygen at StarBox (no passphrase)

copy the content of to the authorized_keys at the server



  •  Programs description      Receive the message from user's tag and forward to PC         Communication with the battery                   PC self-check procedure           Dump command inforamtion


All data that needed to send to the server will be placed under BaseStation/send directory.

Once the data is sent successfully, the data will be deleted.






Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Picture flow for ARM embedded system

This is the final project of SOC design lab. The goal is using FPGA to decoding jpeg files and show the pictures on the LCD screen. We use touch panel ( not support multi-touch) to create ipod like picture view applicaiton.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to compile the g++ object file with gcc

Here is an example shows how to compiler a program with gcc with objects files which are compiled by g++

Example codes:
( Reference from here )

 #include "adio.h"
 #include "adstring.h"
 int main()
  char input[21];
  char buffer[11];
  char buf[11];
  const char* str = "hello world!!";
  adstring_strcpy(buffer, str, 11);
  adio_fgets(input, 21, stdin);
  adstring_strcpy(buffer, input, 5);
  int a = 12345;
  puts(adstring_itoa(buf, a, 11));
  return 0;

 #ifndef ADVENCE_IO_H
 #define ADVENCE_IO_H
 char* adio_fgets(char* buf, int num, FILE* fp);
 void adio_stdinclean(void);

 char* adstring_strcpy(char* to, const char* from, int num);
 char* adstring_itoa(char* to, int from, int num);

 char* adio_gets(char* buf, int num, FILE* fp)
  char* find = 0;
  fgets(buf, num, stdin);
  if ((find = strrchr(buf, '\n')))
   *find = '\0′;
   while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
  return buf;
 void adio_stdinclean()
  while (getchar() != '\n');

 char* adstring_strcpy(char* to, const char* from, int num)
  int size = num-1;
  strncpy(to, from, size);
  if (strlen(from) >= size)
   to[size] = '\0′;
  return to;
 char* adstring_itoa(char* to, int from, int num)
  char tmp[11];
  sprintf(tmp, "%d", from);
  adstring_strcpy(to, tmp, num);
  return to;

Make static library , here we assume object files need to be compiler in g++
 g++ adio.c adstring.c -Wall -c (this line will come out with adio.o adstring.o)
 ar rcs libadlib.a adio.o adstring.o (archieve into libadlib.a file)

 gcc test.c -I. -L. -ladlib -o test

Here, there are some errors say that the function with object files is not found.
The reason is that compiler will change c++'s function name while compiling.
In order to tell compiler not to change function name, we can use extern "C"

We can modify adio.c adstring.c into :


 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

 char* adio_gets(char* buf, int num, FILE* fp)
  char* find = 0;
  fgets(buf, num, stdin);
  if ((find = strrchr(buf, '\n')))
   *find = '\0′;
   while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
  return buf;
 void adio_stdinclean()
  while (getchar() != '\n');

 #ifdef __cplusplus



 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

 char* adstring_strcpy(char* to, const char* from, int num)
  int size = num-1;
  strncpy(to, from, size);
  if (strlen(from) >= size)
   to[size] = '\0′;
  }   return to;
 char* adstring_itoa(char* to, int from, int num)
  char tmp[11];
  sprintf(tmp, "%d", from);
  adstring_strcpy(to, tmp, num);
  return to;

 #ifdef __cplusplus

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Indoor Localization - Position System

This is the program I wrote for visualize indoor localization system.

I use GTK+2.x to implement GUI and the detail description is at the webpage of the program.

If there are any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email to me. Thanks

Program webpage: LINK

Friday, July 11, 2008

Complie MASE alpha version problem

It can be complied with pisa version, however there are some error inforamation pop out using alpha configuraiton.simplescalar

There are two files need to be midified

1.machine.h a. (line 223)
= orginal =
/* internal decoder state */
extern enum md_opcode md_mask2op[];
extern unsigned int md_opoffset[];
extern unsigned int md_opmask[];
extern unsigned int md_opshift[];

= change into =
extern enum md_opcode md_mask2op[MD_MAX_MASK+1];
extern unsigned int md_opoffset[OP_MAX];
extern unsigned int md_opmask[OP_MAX];
extern unsigned int md_opshift[OP_MAX];

b. codes below part a
/* global opcode names, these are returned by the decoder (MD_OP_ENUM()) */
enum md_opcode {
OP_NA = 0, /* NA */
#define CONNECT(OP)
#include "machine.def"
OP_MAX /* number of opcodes + NA */ };

move them before part a

2.mae-mem.c (line 132)
= orginal =
static unsigned int /* total latency of access */

= change into =
unsigned int /* total latency of access */

There some bugs that have been discoveried.
Reference by:

How to connect to wireless AP in text mode

INTERFACE_NAME: your wireless interface name, you can find it by "wconfig" command
AP_NAME : the ap you want to connect
AP_PASSWARD: the key for the AP_NAME

[root@localhost ~]# iwconfig INTERFACE_NAME essid "AP_NAME" key "AP_PASSWARD"

if the IP is accessed by DHCP
[root@localhost ~]# dhclient INTERFACE_NAME

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

GdkFont usage

To use GdkFont, you must specify the font name
And it must specify by a XLFD describing

The simplest way is set "-*-*-medium-r-normal--N-*-*-*-p-*-*-1"
N = the font size

mase simplescalar make error

There are two possible errors due to newer version of gcc.

1. /lib64/ could not read symbols: Bad value
( if the system is 32-bit, error might be /lib/ could not read symbols: Bad value )
  mark all "extern int errno;" ( eval.c misc.c range.c )
  and replace it by "#include "

2. mase-mem.c:134: error: static declaration of ‘mem_access_latency’ follows non-static declaration
mase-mem.h:104: error: previous declaration of ‘mem_access_latency’ was here
  find "mem_access_latency" in mase-mem.h and delete "static"